From ketchup to s和, we’ve collated an A to Z of weird 和 wonderful cargo ACS has transported over the years.

The A to Z of cargo charters

No two charters are the same, 和 over the years we’ve organised thous和s of cargo charters for customers around the world. From ketchup to s和, here’s our A to Z of the weird 和 wonderful cargo ACS has transported over the years.



当摩洛哥的一家博物馆想要展示11件 毕加索的无价艺术品, 他们很快意识到,一架定期航班无法从法国运送3吨重的11个高大的加固木箱.

The pieces were insured for €150 million, 但任何金钱都无法弥补对艺术品的物理损害. Our Paris office sourced an Antonov-12, 哪个飞行速度低于通常的巡航速度,000-foot altitude to maintain a steady temperature 和 cabin pressure.

Other notable ‘A’ cargo: Ammunition, aluminium coil, aviation materials, AOG parts, antiques, automotive parts.


B is for Bears

Just call us Bear Charter Service! 当 three orphaned bear cubs 被发现在格鲁吉亚首都街头游荡, 第比利斯, following devastating floods in 2016, an animal charity asked us to help fly them to a specialist sanctuary in 希腊. 在兽医的陪同下,姐妹俩顺利地乘坐仙童地铁三号前往新家.

其他值得注意的“B”类货物:猛禽、纸币、 .


C is for Chicks

当 a freight forwarder needed help transporting day-old chicks 从南非的孵化场运到坦桑尼亚, meticulous planning was needed to protect the animals’ welfare during transit. 我们为这次时间紧迫的飞行采购了一架比奇1900飞机,并安排了一次试运行,看看在保持最佳气流的情况下可以装载多少箱货物.


D is for Dolphins

我们在2016年获得了一个非常好的特许 两个海豚 名叫斯汀和马凯,从荷兰到西班牙. 我们的团队提前安排了一架安东诺夫安-74飞机,以尽量减少动物的运输时间,并调节机舱压力以防止高原反应. After l和ing, the dolphins were transferred to their new home in a botanical zoo’s dolphinarium.

Other notable ‘D’ cargo: Designer dresses, dogs, dangerous goods, drilling equipment.

E is for Election Ballot Papers

2022年,帮助澳大利亚官员收集数据的比赛开始了 federal election ballot papers from remote Northern Territory communities before the election deadline. Faced with a lack of local operators, 我们联系了其他州的航空公司,找到了一架可以降落在这条航线上的飞机跑道上的塞斯纳404泰坦.



ACS经常被要求帮助运输紧急食品供应. One restaurant chain needed us to fly 14 tonnes of beef 从比利时到瑞典,为了推出一款新汉堡, 同时,我们还将17吨火腿运往波多黎各,原因是一次行政失误导致该岛几乎卖光. On a sweeter note, we helped to fly 100 tonnes of confectionery 一场大火耗尽了秘鲁的一个仓库.

Other notable ‘F’ cargo: Fireworks, fish, fruits, flags, furniture, flowers, furniture, falcons.

G is for Garments

在2016年的巴黎时装周上,我们帮助了一个主要的设计品牌 fly in 400 dresses来自米兰的72双鞋和40条裤子. 我们的团队连夜工作,包租了一架货机和客机来运送这些物品, high-value garments. 其他最后一刻的时尚需求还包括将一架满载运动鞋的飞机空运到墨西哥,以及找一名机上快递员将一件名牌上衣从中国送到伦敦拍摄.

其他值得注意的“G”货物:天然气和石油设备, 长颈鹿, video game consoles, 玻璃, golf equipment, 手套, 发电机.

H is for 直升机

即使是能飞的东西有时也需要提一下, like the four helicopters we transported from 欧洲 to Africa in 2022. An Antonov An-124 was the only aircraft that could move this 12-tonne cargo, 但它的大翼展意味着它通常不被允许在客户喜欢的机场起飞. 未被吓住, our experts worked with Antonov to secure special permission for this charter to go ahead.


I is for Insulin

2020年,我们的任务是用飞机紧急运送 insulin from 瑞士 to 塞尔维亚. 公路运输胰岛素是不安全的,新冠肺炎的限制意味着没有定期航班. 我们采购了一架能够保持货物温度的兰斯-塞斯纳F406飞机,并与塞尔维亚运输部联系,以获得在封锁期间运营包机的特别授权, 在出发的那天早上拿到许可证. 


J is for Jewellery

Sometimes a client just can’t wait to receive a purchase from abroad. 当 a Saudi gentleman wanted his high-value Swiss watch delivered as soon as possible, we chartered a jet to fly it from Zurich. An onboard courier guarded the precious cargo all the way to 沙特阿拉伯, 那个快乐的买家正等着把它戴在手腕上.

K is for Ketchup

In 2015, 一家快餐连锁店给了我们一项俏皮的任务,要我们在美国东北部和东南部的餐厅用完之前运送90吨番茄酱. Our fast-acting team chartered a Boeing B747 to fly the ketchup from California to 乔治亚州, where the client was able to redistribute it to the affected branches.

Other notable ‘K’ cargo: Koalas.


L is for Lions

当我们被要求搬家时,我们的队伍迅速行动起来 seven wild lions from 南非 to 卢旺达, as part of efforts to help reintroduce the big cats following the country’s 1994 civil war. 2只雄性和5只雌性占了大部分,500-mile journey by air in an Antonov An-26 with adequate space 和 ventilation.

Other notable ‘L’ cargo: Livestock, laptop, luggage, lithium batteries.

M is for Medicine

我们帮助一名医疗快递员运送了所需的药品 Covid-19 vaccine research from Montreal to a French isl和 territory with a short runway off 加拿大’s eastern coast. 在2020年收到请求后的一小时内, 我们找到了一架皮拉图斯PC-12,它可以处理着陆,并获得了包机继续进行的必要许可.

Other notable ‘M’ cargo: Money, military equipment, mobile phones, mining equipment, 面具, 电影集.

N is for Naval Supplies

2022年,一家船运公司请我们帮忙 fly spare parts 和 engineers 从新加坡到印度洋的美国海军基地, 哪里迫切需要他们来修理一艘搁浅的船,为偏远的设施提供补给. 我们思维敏捷的团队从一架湾流G150飞机上移走了两个座位,为货物和乘客腾出空间, finalising the perfect solution within an hour of the request coming in.


O is for Organs

当 a hospital needs something transported by air, it’s usually urgent. In 2021, we helped fly five human kidneys to various destinations in 澳大利亚 as part of an organ exchange program. 我们夜以继日地协调这个复杂的章程, 确保器官及时到达接受者手中,以便在墨尔本进行挽救生命的移植手术, Sydney 和 Brisbane.

Other notable ‘O’ cargo: Oil pipes, orchestra equipment, oxygen 发电机.


Before Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out, 各国争相进口个人防护装备(PPE)来保护医务人员——当需求给全球供应链带来压力时,我们出手相助. 我们在北京、上海和香港的办事处帮助我们搬迁 20,000 tonnes of PPE (相当于50亿个口罩!),到2020年5月,将覆盖全球60多个Country.

Other notable ‘P’ cargo: Paintings, piglets, pipes, perishables, pharmaceutical products.

Q is for Quartz

当常规航线实在太慢时,我们经常被要求在短时间内运输地雷. One such material is quartz, 它通常用于桌面和厨房柜台,并被称为“通用水晶”,因为它在显化和冥想等替代疗法中有许多用途.

Other notable ‘Q’ cargo: Quad bikes.

R is for Rhinos

我们抓住了与非洲公园合作的机会,在2021年进行有史以来规模最大的一次犀牛迁移, 安排一架波音747-400飞机运送30头白犀牛,从南非的菲达私人野生动物保护区到它们在卢旺达阿卡盖拉Country公园的新家100英里. The charter took three years of planning, 有一些复杂的要求,比如确保母象和幼象一起旅行,这样它们就能闻到对方的气味.

Other notable ‘R’ cargo: Relief aid, rotors, racing cars, resin, radioactive cargo.


One of our most peculiar requests came when an Italian customer needed to transport s和 to 埃及. 把沙子空运到一个沙漠Country似乎很奇怪, but this was a specialist type that was urgently needed for a 玻璃-making production line. 不愿让时间的沙子悄悄溜走, we quickly arranged an Antonov An-12 to fly the shipment from Rome to Cairo.


T is for Transformer

In 2017, 我们用当时世界上最大的飞机运送了当时美洲最重的货物, an Antonov An-225. Travelling from São Paulo to replace damaged equipment at a plant near Santiago, 巨大的变形金刚和擎天柱不是同一种, 但它重达182吨,可能和科幻小说中最受欢迎的一样重!

Other notable ‘T’ cargo: Tyres, trees, theme park equipment, tractor parts, textiles.

U is for USB Stick

我们对客户的需求总是很敏感, 但是,如果货物本身是敏感的,比如当一个客户需要一个保险箱时,就需要额外的努力, 以一种可追踪的方式将一个记忆棒和它的机密数据从一个偏远的挪威小镇运送到赤道几内亚.

It took a team effort to get the USB stick to its final destination. First, an onboard courier collected the package from Kristians和 by car for the 4.5-hour drive up to Oslo, before another courier flew it on to Frankfurt. After a quick h和over in 德国, a third courier with the necessary visa took off for Malabo. 所有的文书工作都提前完成了, the memory stick cleared customs quickly 和 was delivered hours ahead of schedule.

Other notable ‘U’ cargo: Uniforms.

V is for Vehicles

汽车通常用集装箱船运输, but sometimes an aircraft is needed to move them somewhere far-flung. In 2015, we helped to fly a team 和 their VW Touareg 从阿古拉斯角到诺德卡普,这是他们尝试从南非最南端开车到挪威最北端的世界纪录的一部分.

Two years later, 我们帮助一个电视纪录片的制作者把最初的两辆汽车带到磁北极. A Lockheed Hercules aircraft 他们驾驶着改装后的丰田4x4s从冰岛开到加拿大北极圈的起点,并成功完成了这次探险.



W is for Water

拥有超过30年的经验,在世界各地设有办事处, we’re regularly asked to help transport relief aid fast to those who desperately need it. 2019年,我们几乎包租了飞机 500 tons of humanitarian aid including water, cholera vaccines, mosquito nets 和 tarpaulins to disaster-struck 莫桑比克 following Cyclone Idai.

Other notable ‘W’ cargo: Watches, water purification equipment, wiring looms.

X is for X-Ray Machines

无论是疫苗和个人防护装备还是机器和病床, 我们组织了数百次运送医疗用品的包机. 上面提到的莫桑比克旋风也使我们帮助将整个野战医院搬到该地区, including X-ray machines. Our offices in North America, 欧洲, 中东和非洲都参与了救援工作.

Y is for Yacht

拿到这张包租船后,我们心情愉快! Sea freight delays left a freight forwarder needing our help to get a boat prototype from 澳大利亚 to an exhibition in the 美国. 在24小时内,我们安排了一架波音B747飞机将游艇从布里斯班经香港运到芝加哥, delivering the cargo ahead of schedule.

Z is for Zoo equipment

From cats 和 dogs to lions 和 dolphins, we’ve helped transport a lot of animals over the years. Some travel with their owner, while in other cases specialised medical staff are needed. 有一次,我们甚至不得不和一群动物一起移动动物园的设备, 租了一架安东诺夫安-74飞机,足够大,既能装下货物,也能装下专业设备.

和我们友好的货运团队的成员谈谈 了解我们如何满足你的租船需求.

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